Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday Frustration

Well it's Monday. And this Monday is dragging on. Sitting in my fifth class of the day and my patience level is beyond low. Mel and I are sitting in the back of our classroom and well things just got interesting, and not in a good way. It just blows our minds that some people don't grasp the concepts of classes or what we do in them. Now, don't get me wrong I understand not getting something but this is is ridiculous.

When our professor asks the class if we have to write press releases in our public relations course and half the kids say no we do not, when in fact we do. I have taken three public relations courses, just as most of my fellow classmates. How is it that I have written several press releases and they have not? I do not understand how they have taken the same classes that I have, but we have done different work.  Mel and I are just flabbergasted. 

Maybe its just a Monday thing, but it seems that this is becoming a regular "Kel and Mel Thing" and this is one thing that I could easily live without. 


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Its National Cupcake Day!

In case you were unaware today is National Cupcake Day! To celebrate the Mel, Alicia and I are obviously going to get ourselves some cupcakes. Good plan, right? Well that's what we thought however, it is currently down poring here.   Like the kind of rain you can't see through. How are we supposed to get cupcakes in this weather? In case you didn't know cupcakes and rain do not go well together. Rain makes cupcakes soggy therefor ruining them. Hopefully this severe weather will end shortly so the celebrations can occur. I guess its a "Kelly thing" to have a weird national holiday ruined due to severe weather. 


Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Best Sidekicks a Girl Could Ask For

To anyone reading this who doesn't know my sidekicks I am sorry. They are the best people anyone could ever ask for. And I'm not just saying that, it's really true. Alicia and Mel  are two people that have honestly just changed my life. I have learned several life lessons from both of them and each of them has taught me to take different things out of life.

Now let me tell you about my best friends. These two aren't just school friends, they're real friends. While I have only known them for about two and a half years now, I couldn't imagine life without them. They were perfect additions to the circle of friends I had from home and have been there when times have gotten rough.  

Alicia was the first person I would get to know when I came to college. We were roommates and hit it off from the first time we met. I think the fact that we were both New Englanders going to school in NC helped a little. Alicia would be one of the first people I told everything to. And I mean everything to. The best part of freshman year would be the weekends when Alicia would come back from her boyfriends and ask me what kind of shenanigans Mel and I managed to get ourselves into. I have to give her some props because she never really questioned or judged us for the weekends shenanigans. And trust me some of them you really had to be there to believe. Alicia is always there when you need someone to talk to or someone to complain about life to because she usually joins in too and you end up laughing in the end. Alicia is also the person that brought Mel into my life. 

Mel is the cookie to my milk, my partner in crime, and probably my better half. I met her freshman year too, after her and Alicia went on a Freshman retreat together. I didn't go due to football ( I'll explain later). The first time I met her I honestly had no idea that she was about to be my best friend and change my life forever. Mel and I definitely managed to get ourselves into quite the situations however we were never in trouble and we were usually in the situations due to other people. Mel is the one that will cry with me when we need to cry and laugh when it's time to laugh. When we are in a room together a dull moment will not be around. 

These two people have become two of the most important people in my life. I wish that everyone has people like my people. I don't know where in the world I would be without these two by my side. We are probably the most dysfunctional group of friends on the planet but hey that's ok, we make it work. So in this life of " Kelly things" just know that my two sidekicks always have my back. 


Saturday, February 20, 2016


Hello readers!

 As a college junior, one thing I have come to learn is that somethings are just "Kelly things." Now what does that mean? It means that this Kelly manages to find herself in situations that most people never will. Whether its, school,  relationships, or just life in general,things are never boring.

 On the positive side I have the two best "side-kicks" anyone could ask for. They help to keep me sane throughout this crazy adventure called life. They usually help me through all of the "Kelly things" that occur in a day and were the ones that came up with " It's a Kelly Thing."

Well this blog starts a new adventure in our lives. This might be the best " Kelly thing" I have done in a while. Here is to all of life's surprises and all of the "Kelly things" that keep the three of us entertained.
